Alexandria School Journal

We publish the Alexandria School Journal, an Orthodox Christian Academic Journal once a year in the Fall. Articles submitted to the Journal must adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style.

Editorial Board

Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan, Ph.D.
Rev. Fr. Mark Aziz, M.Th.
Rev. Fr. Michel Najim, Ph.D.
Prof. Christopher Veniamin, Ph.D.
Prof. Samuel Moawad, Dr. Phil.
Prof. Tom Greggs, Ph.D.

Journal Director

Emmanuel Gergis, Ph.D.
Veronica Khalil, D.Min.

ASJ Subscription

The Alexandria School Journal (ISSN 1687-9902) is published once a year. The subscription price is:


  • $100 per year for institutions for print and electronic
  • $75 per year for institutions for electronic only


  • $50 per year for individuals worldwide for print only
  • $25 per year for individuals in USA and Canada for print only

Call for Papers

Agora University invites scholars, theologians, and students alike to submit paper proposals for publication in the Alexandria School Journal (ASJ), seeking to engage with articles that address Orthodox theological topics. If you are interested in this unique opportunity to share your voice through your academic work in Agora University’s forthcoming Volume of the Alexandria School Journal, read the criteria and instructions below!

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Abstracts must be no more than 200 words.
  2. Paper length should not exceed 3500-5000 words.
  3. Papers must adhere to the Chicago manual of style.

To be featured in our upcoming volume, submit your paper by September 15th, 2024, to

Founded in 2012, The Press is a non-profit scholarly publisher committed to our intra-communal identity, vision, and mission. We believe in the preservation of particularity for the advancement of human knowledge. The Press brings intra-communal scholarly and popular voices, ideas, and stories to the contemporary reader to address today’s inter-communal challenges.


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